Monday, December 3, 2012


As I sit here alone, eating the eggs I received from my backyard chickens yesterday, I am tempted to deluge you with words like the downpour of rain that hit hard this early morning. I am tempted to tell you all the turbulence of my life these past six months. I wish I could update you on my many adventures, losses, stresses and day-to-day pleasures, but I realize that these past events are too much to tackle for one single read and that they are what they are and they are, quite simply, in the past. Because, for better or for worse, I tend to not dwell on the past, I will be true to myself and withhold this information from you. I will, however, let you know that in the past six months I have grown as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, and, of course, as a gardeness. I have experienced stress, loss, loneliness, laughter, absolute pure love, and the success of some tasty tomatoes.

 Like my life, my garden has had its ups and downs as well. The podded peas from I picked from the vine in the early summer reminded me that there is still the simple pleasure of sweetness when your world is filled with worry.  As the summer progressed and my heart was tormented by grief, my garden buzzed with life and the promise of sustenance for my starved and empty soul.  As my lovely layer chickens started producing eggs, I was witness to a new love’s beginning.  By late summer, I was celebrating a successful harvest the same time my family, friends and I celebrated my daughters two year old birthday. Lastly, this fall, I shared my first rhubarb crisp from my prolific perennial plant as my community of new friends grew around me.  

Today, I look at my rain drenched yard and know that like the seedlings now swimming in puddles of promise, I should be thankful for the shower of love and support I have had these past six months and I will hopefully continue to sprinkle you with my words and thoughts of land, love and learning. With this cleansing winter rain, I feel that a new beginning is here.

Now, what should I write about?